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Whitehead Primary School, Whitehead, County Antrim

Pastoral Care & Child Protection

In Whitehead Primary School children will feel secure, will be valued as individuals and will be encouraged in their learning, growth and social development within a healthy, safe and caring environment.  See Policies page for more details.

Core Values

Our Pupil Voice devised our Core Values based on the acronym:






Our desire is that each one of our pupils & staff will SHINE making a difference in someone else’s life. At the beginning of every year, each class will reflect on what it means to share, help, include, nurture & excel. Our staff believe that we are required to model the behaviour that we expect from our children. Hence, as a staff, SHINE means that we will:

Share - We share this space. In so doing, we share a smile, laughter and fun. We willingly share our time, resources, knowledge and responsibilities. As an open community we share our practice, experience and ideas in a professional capacity.

Help - We recognise that we all have key roles and responsibilities. Out of respect and as members of the one team, we will help each other in small practical ways.

Include - Through our inclusive ethos we value everyone in our school community. We listen carefully to the opinions of others, ensuring that everyone has an input and feels ownership of decisions that are made.

Nurture - We continually encourage and care for each other. We celebrate each other’s happiness and achievements. We will support each other in times of difficulty. As a school family we learn and grow together.

Excel – Through our passion for learning & teaching we will continually reflect upon and evaluate our professional practice. We aspire to be the best that we can be so that the children can be the best that they can be.


Child Protection

It is the intention of school staff to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the welfare of children is safeguarded and that their safety is preserved.

What to do if you are concerned about the possibility of child abuse:  

The school has a Designated Teacher whose role it is to take responsibility for liaising with social services and other agencies over cases of abuse.  The designated teacher is Mr Jim Loughins (Principal).  In the event of his absence, Mr Graeme Baird (Vice-Principal) and Mrs Sarah Kidd will undertake the role within the Primary School and Mrs Roisin McConnell within the Nursery Unit.  All staff members have received training in the procedures which follow.

If you are concerned about one of our pupils, please make immediate contact with one of the staff members mentioned above.   See our Policies page for more details.