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Whitehead Primary School, Whitehead, County Antrim

Pupil Voice

‘Pupil Voice’ is the name given to our school council.  Representatives from each class are voted in by their peers to become a councillor. The Pupil Voice provides opportunities for the pupils to communicate the views and opinions of their class. Councillors will make decisions on many topics including the charity to be supported by the school, healthy breaks, playground equipment and much more.

Mrs Murphy is in charge of Pupil Voice.


We don’t just look at small issues which can be easily amended to make our school a better place.  This year we thought about our Golden Rules and wondered if we could freshen things up a bit.  In our classes and at home we thought about rebranding our school rules in a way that is easy to remember but still represents what is important to us as a school.  Our councillors brought the best ideas from each class and we voted on the one we loved the most – the teachers voted for the same one too!  Here is what we chose to form the basis of our new Core Values:


This winning poster was designed by Sophia Chowne (Y7)!